Friday, November 29, 2019

Utilitarianism Essays (220 words) - Utilitarianism,

Utilitarianism Utilitarianism, for all the unfortunate connotations of the word (which conjures up images of factories, high-rise buildings and all things ugly-but-functional), is an ethical system of great elegance and beauty. It is also a system of great importance: I would guess that the large majority of people in our society are more or less utilitarians, and that they are such without having given the matter a moment's thought. It arouses strong feelings. Most proponents of utilitarianism would probably say that it's not only right, but obviously right; that those who are not utilitarians are living in the Dark Ages. Many of its opponents consider it a thoroughly evil thing, tending to lead to the erosion of vital moral principles. I think both sides exaggerate. The issue is a particularly interesting one for the Christian: utilitarianism has much in common, in practice, with Christian ethics, but little or nothing in common with Christian philosophy. This essay will attempt to analyse the idea of utilitarianism (which is more complicated, and richer, than it may seem at first glance), and to explain what I think is wrong with it and what I think is right with it. At the end, there are some rather disorganised comments about what a really adequate system of ethics would have to look like. Psychology

Monday, November 25, 2019

Anatomy of the Cerebellum and its Function

Anatomy of the Cerebellum and its Function In Latin, the word cerebellum means little brain. The cerebellum is the area of the hindbrain that controls movement coordination, balance, equilibrium and muscle tone. Like the cerebral cortex, the cerebellum is comprised of white matter and a thin, outer layer of densely folded gray matter. The folded outer layer of the cerebellum (cerebellar cortex) has smaller and more compact folds than those of the cerebral cortex. The cerebellum contains hundreds of millions of neurons for processing data. It relays information between body muscles and areas of the cerebral cortex that are involved in motor control. Cerebellum Lobes The cerebellum can be subdivided into three lobes that coordinate information received from the spinal cord and from different areas of the brain. The anterior lobe receives input primarily from the spinal cord. The posterior lobe receives input primarily from the brainstem and cerebral cortex. The flocculonodular lobe receives input from the cranial nuclei of the vestibular nerve. The vestibular nerve is a component of the vestibulocochlear cranial nerve. The transmission of nerve input and output signals from the cerebellum occurs through bundles of nerve fibers called cerebral peduncles. These nerve bundles run through the midbrain connecting the forebrain and hindbrain. Cerebellum Function The cerebellum is involved in several functions including: Fine movement coordinationBalance and equilibriumMuscle toneSense of body position The cerebellum processes information from the brain and peripheral nervous system for balance and body control. Activities such as walking, hitting a ball and playing a video game all involve the cerebellum. The cerebellum helps us to have fine motor control while inhibiting involuntary movement. It coordinates and interprets sensory information in order to produce fine motor movements. It also calculates and corrects informational discrepancies in order to produce the desired movement. Cerebellum Location Directionally, the cerebellum is situated at the base of the skull, above the brainstem and beneath the occipital lobes of the cerebral cortex. Cerebellum Damage Damage to the cerebellum may result in difficulty with motor control. Individuals may have problems maintaining balance, tremors, lack of muscle tone, speech difficulties, lack of control over eye movement, difficulty in standing upright, and an inability to perform accurate movements. The cerebellum may become damaged due to a number of factors. Toxins including alcohol, drugs, or heavy metals can cause damage to nerves in the cerebellum that lead to a condition called ataxia. Ataxia involves the loss of muscle control or coordination of movement. Damage to the cerebellum may also occur as a result of stroke, head injury, cancer, cerebral palsy, viral infection, or nervous system degenerative diseases. Divisions of the Brain: Hindbrain The cerebellum is included in the division of the brain called the hindbrain. The hindbrain is divided into two subregions called the metencephalon and myelencephalon. The cerebellum and pons are located in the upper region of the hindbrain known as the metencephalon. Sagittally, the pons is anterior to the cerebellum and relays sensory information between the cerebrum and cerebellum.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Cardiovascular system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Cardiovascular system - Essay Example Demonstrate the adaptability of the cardiovascular system to autoregulate to two different, stressful conditions (1. Max test 2. Steady state exercise at 65% maximum oxygen level). Explain in detail how the different cardiovascular components such as heart rate, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, total pulmonary resistance, stroke volume and blood flow, respond to these stressful conditions. Explain in detail the physiological mechanisms responsible for the changes observed.The cardiovascular system has the capabilities to adapt to a number of external factors. An example of the cardiovascular system’s ability to adapt is seen in response to a max test. This test measures the volume of oxygen in the blood that the body uses in one minute of maximal exercise. A stationary exercise machine is used when administering the test. The first-minute interval is done at a very easy level. As each minute passes the levels become increasingly more difficult until you reach a levels when you can no longer continue. The max test requires you to wear a mask and to breathe through your mouth. The mask is connected to an analyzer that looks at the levels of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the exhaled gas. You are also hooked up to a heart monitor. Using the information gathered you could figure out your cardiovascular fitness and define your maximum aerobic power.The max test causes an increase in heart rate, because there is an increased need by your muscles for oxygenated blood ... stroke volume in this case would decrease due to the fact that the peripheral vessels, which have higher pressures, increases. The increased heart rate causes the ventricles to not fill as full, thus lowering the volume pumped out of the ventricles by each contraction. The final stage of the max test is anaerobic. This stage looks at how quickly the body can remove the lactic acid. The increased heart rate helps in the removal of lactic acid. If you have crossed this threshold you will be prematurely fatigued and may feel your muscles burn. Toga et al. states that "during hypoxia, the total" pulmonary "resistance decreased with increased blood flow" (Effects of hypoxia, 1998, 1003). Steady state exercise is different from the max text, because it does not increase in intervals. In the steady state test you also have the increase in systolic blood pressure, but there is no dramatic increase in diastolic blood pressure. When steady state exercise has been done over time the effects are a minimal change in blood pressure and a higher red blood cell count (blood is more easily saturated with oxygen). Once finished with steady state exercise the systolic blood pressure will drop to below normal levels for a brief period of time. Steady state exercise, when done on a regular basis, will decrease heart rate. A decrease in heart rate will allow the ventricles more time to fill. . Stroke volume is the volume of blood in the ventricles during diastole minus the volume of blood in the ventricles during systole of the same heartbeat. If the heart rate is slower it allows for more filling of the ventricles hence a larger stroke volume. There are other factors that also contribute to these different cardiovascular components. Khaksari et al.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Education Curriculum and Standards Reflection Essay

Education Curriculum and Standards Reflection - Essay Example While observing the two teachers featured in the conversation, a feeling of negativity seeped through. The falling standards in education are definitely a concern for teachers across the globe. â€Å"Teachers identified a problem in achievement connected to discourse practices in their classrooms and designed instructional changes to address the problem† (Weiner 42). The governments are more concerned with the upliftment of the downtrodden and the underprivileged thereby ignoring the aspirations of the deserving students. The curriculum is outdated and also not being periodically assessed for its utility in today’s changing world. The value systems of students are also declining due to various reasons like parental negligence, absence of elders in the nuclear family setup, influence of mass media, etc. All these factors are present in our society and the younger generation is completely caught in this tangled web but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. There are theories that can be used to improve skills of the students and prepare them to face the challenges of life after institutional learning. Several researchers identify a list of five learning domains, and these are considered to be integral to the development of students irrespective of their cultural differences. The first domain is the cognitive domain. This involves the thinking process and various tests have been designed to test and assess this domain. It involves the ability of students to analyze, think reasonably as well in the abstract. Besides, it also envisages visualization, comprehension and communication which are essential in the learning process. The second domain is the affective domain which mainly involves the feelings of students. This would mean the awareness and understanding displayed by the student and also how emotions are managed at times of stress, etc. The third domain is the spiritual domain. As the name suggests it has got to do with the perception of God or any other faith because such beliefs can become a guiding factor when a student undertakes any difficult task. Students draw inspirati on from a wide range of sources that energize them and activate their thoughts such as nature. They may also draw such inspiration from processes such meditation and prayers. The fourth domain is the physical domain. This is directly related to the fitness level of students. A strong and healthy body will definitely support a healthy mind and thus physical domain is a very important domain in education. The fifth and final domain is called the conative domain. This has to do with motivation. Whatever subject you learn, if the interest of the pupil cannot be sustained, the outcome will be negative. In order to counter such an outcome, it is absolutely essential to ensure the there is a strong motivation to learn. After careful examination of these domains, it is clear that an amalgamation of all these domains is the need of the hour and all educators should strive to incorporate these domains in the everyday teaching process. â€Å"As social and political changes alter the face of p ublic education, it becomes increasingly important that all educators scrutinize and challenge tacit assumptions† (Weiner 44). Children sometimes learn very fast and on other occasions very slowly and they tend to transform from a simple to a complex human being and also infer concepts from general to specific

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Insource And Outsource Essay

The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Insource And Outsource - Essay Example As a small insurance company, there are pertinent functions that the business needs which are not core to either its growth or for gaining competitive advantage. These functions include human resource, payroll, IT and partly financed. Outsourcing here would offer a better choice than insourcing because the company would be able to save on employee compensation, office expenses, and other associated costs. Outsourcing essentially converts fixed costs into variable costs, which will enable the small business to use these resources for investment elsewhere in the business ( 3). On the flip side, small companies must be very careful when negotiating the terms of service with an outsourcing firm. Knowing the challenge that small businesses face with regards to weighing their cost options, an outsourcing company could trap the small company in terms of service that have numerous hidden charges. However, unless the outsourced services provider has numerous ridiculous charges when it comes to managing costs for a small insurance company, outsourcing offers a better solution than insourcing. On the outset, insourcing does seem like a cost-effective strategy for a company to use because it will simply rely on resources that it already has. This may be true for large organizations that have numerous departments and employees. Small companies are already constrained in terms of staffing, and to manage costs they tend to have employees with flexible role profiles.  

Saturday, November 16, 2019

External Factors Affect On Organisations | Case Study

External Factors Affect On Organisations | Case Study External factors have an immediate effect on an organizations planning. Marketing a product takes thorough planning. Managers organize ideas on where to market a product that provides benefits to other countries. Leading globalization can be difficult because other countries may not want to use a product they are unfamiliar with. Therefore, a thorough explanation of why a product would be beneficial in another country is very important (Moon, 2010). The cell phone for instance has brought forth much controversy. Rates, service areas for Internet, communication, contractual agreements, and a wide range of other issues have been broad topics for subscribers of cell phones. To control globalization, cell phone providers must have management teams that extend enough information about products to other countries to determine if the product is marketable around the globe (Moon, 2010). Information is organized through technology; via Internet so customers are better informed regarding price, and other vital information before purchasing. Innovative technology has brought forth social networking sites. Companies such as Google have created blog forums where customers can share thoughts about a product hence, making others aware before purchasing. 1.2.the needs and Expectations of stakeholders in orchid The board of Piramal Healthcare has approved the spin-off of the New Chemical Entity (NCE) from Piramal Life Sciences, reports CNBC-TV18. The unit will then be merged with parent. According to the company filing with BSE, shareholders will be issued one fully paid up equity share of Rs 2 of parent Piramal Healthcare for every four shares of Rs 10 held of Piramal Life Sciences. Investment in NCE research calls for sharper research focus, longer time horizon and higher risk appetite, said a press release. CNBC-TV18 had earlier reported about how Piramal Health is more poised to take the risks arising from the drug discovery business than Piramal Life Sciences. This demerger is expected to be completed in six months, Ajay Piramal was quoted as saying. Piramal hopes, ultimately, to re-absorb Piramal Life Sciences back into the company. According to CNBC-TV18, long-term strategies of the company include hiking capacity in active pharmaceutical ingredients segment and formulations business. 1.3. major changes taking place in the external environment it affects stretegy This process is most applicable to strategic management at the business unit level of the organization. For large corporations, strategy at the corporate level is more concerned with managing a portfolio of businesses. For example, corporate level strategy involves decisions about which business units to grow, resource allocation among the business units, taking advantage of synergies among the business units, and mergers and acquisitions. In the process outlined here, company or firm will be used to denote a single-business firm or a single business unit of a diversified firm. Once the firm has specified its objectives, it begins with its current situation to devise a strategic plan to reach those objectives. Changes in the external environment often present new opportunities and new ways to reach the objectives. An environmental scan is performed to identify the available opportunities. The firm also must know its own capabilities and limitations in order to select the opportunities that it can pursue with a higher probability of success. The situation analysis therefore involves an analysis of both the external and internal environment. The external environment has two aspects: the macro-environment that affects all firms and a micro-environment that affects only the firms in a particular industry. The macro-environmental analysis includes political, economic, social, and technological factors and sometimes is referred to as a PEST analysis. 2.1. Appropriate Tools to analyse Current business Plan What next? This is the question on the minds of the shareholders. We have drawn up a growth blueprint for the company, segregated into short and medium-term business drivers focusing on ramping up of the existing business verticals, creating front-end marketing organisations and entering new high-growth product segments. In the short term, we have identified key areas which will drive business growth for your company. We will cater to the API needs of Hospira and other global innovators in addition to our regular API and formulation sales in the emerging markets. We will strengthen our geographical presence in key regulated markets like the US, Europe and Japan. Currently, we are marketing around 10 products in the oral cephalosporins segment and 5 products in the NPNC (Non-penicillin, Non-cephalosporin) segment. Your company will further strengthen its product basket for catering to these markets. Our focus on acquiring front-end marketing companies possessing infrastructure, people, product registrations and approvals will augur well in the medium term. Our product pipeline in the regulated markets will be filled with our own molecules, ANDAs and in-licensed products. This will help us strengthen our product basket and maximise and internalise value which was earlier shared with our marketing partners. 2.2.Orchid Chemicals in its current market Since inception, your company established a strong foothold in niche therapeutic segments which are relatively uncluttered due to the inherent technical complexity. In doing so, your company grew in size and is now a global name in its operating domains. In recent times, your companys performance in the global and domestic markets could not translate into robust growth for the company and superior shareholder value creation. This was primarily owing to the sizeable debt burden which weighed heavy on your companys profitability. With the debt levels coming down and with a strong growth strategy in place, this is set to change going forward. My fellow shareholders may have a number of apprehensions about the future of the company 2.3.competitive strength and weakness e expect strong year-on-year growth over the next three years by focusing on the non-penicillin, non-cephalosporin (NPNC) segment where we possess a strong basket of over 73 products spanning diverse therapeutic areas. We possess marketing alliances in the US and Europe with prominent players such as Actavis, North Star and Alvogen for 31 NPNC products. We also expect to capitalise on Para IV opportunities; our 8 Para IV FTF filings provide a revenue potential of about US$ 80 Mn. A favourable outcome in any patent challenge litigation could result in our being awarded the 180-day exclusivity. 3.1. strategic options What next? This is the question on the minds of the shareholders. We have drawn up a growth blueprint for the company, segregated into short and medium-term business drivers focusing on ramping up of the existing business verticals, creating front-end marketing organisations and entering new high-growth product segments. In the short term, we have identified key areas which will drive business growth for your company. We will cater to the API needs of Hospira and other global innovators in addition to our regular API and formulation sales in the emerging markets. We will strengthen our geographical presence in key regulated markets like the US, Europe and Japan. Currently, we are marketing around 10 products in the oral cephalosporins segment and 5 products in the NPNC (Non-penicillin, Non-cephalosporin) segment. Your company will further strengthen its product basket for catering to these markets. 3.2. comparative understanding of an activity The performance of your company in the first quarter of the current financial year reflects the start of a robust growth journey. Going forward, your company is well poised to ramp up its API and formulations business based on specific product-market contracts and regulatory filings which will help spread the growth canvas wider. We entered into an out-licensing and distribution agreement with the US-based pharma major Alvogen for marketing 8 oral non-antibiotic generic formulations in the US market. These products cater to the high-growth therapeutic segments of CNS and osteoporosis, among others and have a cumulative addressable market size estimated at USD 8 billion. Your company also recently acquired Karalex Pharma, LLC, a US-based generic marketing and sales services company through an all-cash deal for creating a front-end presence in the US market to deliver generic products to the US customers directly. Karalex Pharma is a leading provider of generic pharmaceuticals, focused exclusively on the US healthcare market. 3.4. future organizational strategy Our focus on acquiring front-end marketing companies possessing infrastructure, people, product registrations and approvals will augur well in the medium term. Our product pipeline in the regulated markets will be filled with our own molecules, ANDAs and in-licensed products. This will help us strengthen our product basket and maximise and internalise value which was earlier shared with our marketing partners. 4.1. participation from all stake holders I take the opportunity to thank the Central and State governments, financial institutions, public and private sector banks, government agencies and non-government institutions for extending their support in your companys growth and development. 4.2. potential options for strategy plan I thank your companys valued business stakeholders namely vendors, customers, strategic alliance partners and business associates for their exceptional support during difficult times, in accomplishing our business plans. Most importantly, I acknowledge the critical role played by the employees whose contribution to your companys business growth has been paramount. On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank all the shareholders for their unstinted support in helping your company enhance its technological and business strengths and remain on the growth path. 4.3.strtegy plan includes resorce implication: n the API (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients) segment, your company increased its cumulative US DMF filing count to 82. The break-up of the total filings is: 30 in the cephalosporin Segment, 39 in NPNC segment, 2 in the betalactam segment and 11 in the carbapenems segment. The cumulative filings of CoS (Certificate of Suitability) for the European market stood at 20 which includes 13 in cephalosporin segment, 6 in the NPNC segment and 1 in the betalactam segment. With a robust product development pipeline, your Companys filing and approval count is poised to increase in the coming months and quarters. 5.1. organizational Values: Most organisations are mostly driven by strategies. We are also driven by values. Corporate Social Responsibility Respect for the Individual Excellence Innovation Value for Stakeholders 5.2 vission and mission statements: Vision Enriching Lives through Innovation in Healthcare Mission Discovery to Delivery Orchid is a vertically integrated pharmaceutical company with established research, manufacturing and marketing capabilities across multi-therapeutic domains. We successfully leverage our penchant for science and technology to create niche products and manufacturing platforms leading to attractive growth. 5.3. Future Management Objrctive: Innovation drives growth. Sensitive to market needs and committed to innovation, here at Orchid we focus on niche product manufacturing platforms, combining cutting-edge technology and the best minds in the business. Valuing People We value individuality and creativity. Our unique People and Process Paradigm helps achieve the twin objective emphasis on regulatory and compliance on one hand, while fostering innovation and creativity on the other. Peak Performance We seek to build a sustainable organisational eco-system where one is constantly motivated to attain new heights and empowered to discover new avenues for growth. Quality Quality has always been a strong part of Orchids proposition. Our quality initiative covers all aspects including product quality, operational quality, environmental quality and finally a good quality of life for our people. Harmony with Society We seek to balance environmental impact and economic interest in all our business activities. Committed to the development of the society, culture and economy, we dutifully observe laws; demonstrate high ethical standards and endeavour to preserve the environment. 5.4. Evaluating Stretegy Plan Government: It has the mechanics to receive and document the needs of society. It also has the legislative and administrative power to take forward development programs. Industry: It has the strength of technology and managerial skills required to identify solutions and execute projects in a time-bound manner. NGOs and other Institutions: They penetrate deep into the community to propagate ideas and act as a vibrant feedback mechanism. We have always believed that enhancing the social well-being of individuals would add a lot more meaning to our overall business existence. Caring for the people and the community has therefore been an important facet of our business philosophy. We are happy that we have influenced the lives of several people in the vicinity of our facilitates through the several initiatives and programmes undertaken by the Trust. 6.1. Schedule for implementing stretgic planning Our oral non-cephalosporin formulations facility specialises in the manufacturing of nutraceutical products. The facility produces a range of dietary supplements for the advanced markets. Many other high-value products like anti-diabetics, cardio vascular drugs (CVS), anti-depressants and anti-epileptics are manufactured in this facility to cater to the emerging markets. 6.2. To gain commitment from stake holders We have a long tradition of successful collaborations. Our approach to partnerships has been path-breaking and successful in the Indian pharmaceutical industry in terms of product and market coverage and leveraging each others partnership strengths. They are an essential and integral part of our research and business strategy. Every day, we commit ourselves to aligning our capabilities with business opportunities and everything we do is based on being easy to work with to ensure mutual success. We continuously engage in new projects to aid technology development, development of new molecules, chemical process enhancement and innovative drug delivery systems development 6.3.monitoring the evaluation system for the implementation of a strategy plan rchid has emerged as a full-fledged pharmaceutical corporation with end-to-end connectivity from discovery to delivery. Each alliance we build is based on a shared vision with well-defined goals and objectives. We have the ability to leverage and represent our entire portfolio of products and services based on their core competencies, partner great models, build and sustain operations. By pooling the talents of our science and business teams, we have engaged in numerous collaborations with a range of companies and research institutions. We look to build upon our existing strengths as well as to create new areas of expertise. Lab Report: Heat Capacity Ratio For Gases Lab Report: Heat Capacity Ratio For Gases Jekathjenani Ratnakumaran Introduction: Heat capacity of gases is the amount of heat required to increase the temperature of one mole of the gas through one degree Celsius at constant pressure or volume. Heat capacity at constant pressure (Cp), the volume will increase and heat capacity at constant volume (CV), the pressure will increase. The main physical properties of gases are compressed in the state, expand themselves to fill the entire containers, and thus obeys the second law of thermodynamics. It occupies more space, compare to liquids and solids. Gases has no fixed shape. The physical state of the gases can be defined by, PV = nRT P- pressure of the gas, V- Volume of the gas, T- Temperature of the gas, n- number of moles of the substance present on the gas and R- Gas constant. The purpose of this study is to determine the value of the heat capacity ratio, ÃŽ ³ = Cp/CV for giving gases such as argon, oxygen, nitrogen and nitrous oxide using adiabatic expansion. This experiment is mainly based on measuring the pressure of the gases. Pressure can be measured by the force applied by the collision of the molecules or atoms with the surface or the walls of the tube. Pressure is measured in psi (Pounds per Square Inch) unit using manometer (P.Atkins et al, 2008). At room temperature, nitrogen is a colorless diatomic molecule of gas. It occupied 78.09% of earths atmosphere. Nitrogen occurs in all living organisms and about 3% of nitrogen are available in human body. Similarly, oxygen is a colorless, diatomic molecules and occupied about 20.95% earths atmosphere. Its a highly reactive organic element and also it plays an important role in the respiration mechanism. Argon is another important gas, also called as inert gas as it is stable. It occupied about 0.93% of earths atmosphere and its colorless, nontoxic element. Nitrous oxide is a colorless, nonflammable gas and also known as laughing gas. It also takes place in the earths atmosphere as it is produced by the bacteria in the soil and ocean. Adiabatic expansion is the process which takes place with no transfer of heat between the system and surroundings. The ratio, ÃŽ ³ will be compared with the theoretical value. Using the adiabatic expansion, three states of gas such as before the expansion (P1), immediately after expansion (P2) and after returning to room temperature (P3) can be observed. Based on these values, the heat capacity ratio can be determined. The ratio of heat capacity can be calculated using the following formula, ÃŽ ³ ratio of heat capacity Cp- heat capacity at constant pressure Cv- heat capacity at constant volume Methods: This experiment was conducted by following the procedure given in the laboratory manual by the department of chemistry, Trent University. Related questions Answers: Ideal gas law, PV = nRT As the density, Ï  = m/V, the density can be calculated using the above equation, Ï  = PM / RT P = Pressure; M = Molar mass; R = gas constant; T = Temperature For Nitrogen, P = 14.476 psi = 1.018 kg/cm2 T = 22 0C = 295 K M = 0.028 Kg /mol R = 8.314 Jm3/Kmol = 84.784 x 10-6 m3 kg/cm2.K-1mol-1 Using the above calculation method, density of remaining gases was calculated. For oxygen, Ï  = 1.301 Kgm-3 For argon, Ï  = 1.595 Kgm-3 For nitrous oxide, Ï  = 1.790Kgm-3 PV = nRT P = 14.550 psi = 0.9900 atm V = 30 L R = 0.08206 Latm/Kmol T = 295K n = 1.227 mol Molecules = n x 6.022 x1023 = 7.389 x 1023 molecules the carboy holds under prevailing laboratory conditions. For nitrogen, Collision frequency of molecules of nitrogen can be calculated using the following formula, N = 6.022 x 1023/ mol A = 0.60 m2 P = 0.985 atm = 99808.5066 pa R = 8.314 J/K mol = 8.314 Kg m2 /s2 K mol M = 28 g / mol = 0.028 Kg/mol T = 295 K Z = 1.736 x 1027 s-1 Results: Table 1 represents the observations and reading of pressure obtained for the Argon, Oxygen, Nitrogen and Nitrous Oxide. The unit of pressure is recorded in psi. Figure 1 represents the heat capacity ratio of the given gases: nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon and Nitrous Oxide. Data Analysis Calculations: For Nitrogen: ÃŽ ³1 = 0.02773 / 0.02111 = 1.3134 Mean value Nitrogen, ÃŽ ³ = (ÃŽ ³1 + ÃŽ ³2 + ÃŽ ³3) / 3 = (1.3134 + 1.2476 + 1.2834) / 3 = 1.2814 Discussion: The experiment was conducted with careful consideration to get the result as close as to the real value. However, due to the some experimental error involved in this experiment, the calculated values are not close to the literature value. The calculated heat capacity ratios for the given gases: nitrogen, oxygen, argon, and nitrous oxide are 1.2815, 1.0248, 1.4268, 1.0163 respectively. The literature heat capacity ratio values are 1.4000 (nitrogen), 1.6667 (argon), 1.4000 (oxygen) and 1.3100 (nitrous oxide) (P.Atkins et al, 2008). Figure 1 represents the heat capacity ratio of the given gases. Based on the graph shown on figure 1, heat capacity ratio of oxygen and nitrous oxide are lower than the nitrogen and argon. In comparison with the literature value, nitrogen and argon are closer to the calculated heat capacity value. However, the calculated percentage error is 8.46% and 14.4% respectively. In the case of oxygen and nitrous oxide, calculated value more deviated from the literatu re value and the calculated percentage error are 26.8% and 22.42% respectively. These differences between the calculated and literature value heat capacity ratio value occurred due to the experimental error. Equipments used in this experiment were used by the previous batch. As the experiment was conducted using the pre setup equipments, there might be an error in the flow of gases through the tubes. Due to these occurrences, there might be changes in the pressure. Since the flow rate of gases are in larger amount, it could have heavily affected the final results. Gas leak is one of the major concern which lead to decrease in pressure and affected the result. Moreover, the adjustment made at the flow rate of gases also might be lead to the error in the heat capacity value. As the digital manometer is open ended to the atmosphere, there might be an error due to the unstable atmospheric pressure. Furthermore, due to the weather condition (winter), temperature and pressure changes and might not favored to conduct the experiment. Conclusion: In conclusion, the heat capacity ratio of nitrogen, oxygen, argon and nitrous oxide were calculated using the adiabatic expansion. In order to get accuracy of result, the precision can be improved by more attention on the experimental procedure and handling the equipments. Also, accurate result can be made by observing the measurements such as notifying the pressure of gases and units in a proper manner. References K.Lunder et al (1999); Heat Capacity Ratios For Gases: The Sound Velocity Method, Physical Chemistry 301, Augustana College P. Atkins and J. de Paula, Atkins’ Physical Chemistry, 8th ed., W. H.Freeman and Co., New York (2006).

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

My Philosophy of Education :: Educational Teaching Teachers Essays

My Philosophy of Education While thinking about my personal philosophy of education and such questions as "What is the purpose of education?' or "What is the role of the teacher?" I have come to realize that my personal views can only be described as eclectic. I find that I agree with some (but not all) of the tenets of many of the major philosophies so far as education is concerned. My personal belief is that there is no single "way" of educating or education that is correct for every child, and as a future teacher I believe that I must be willing to be flexible and adaptable to any given situation , utilizing my knowledge of the various philosophies of education to create an approach to education that will provide each student with a learning environment and a learning experience that is best for him or her. When it comes to the curriculum taught in schools, I agree with the Perennialists' view that the curriculum should include the works and ideas of the Great Thinkers of the past, the fine arts, and philosophy, as well as the view that teachers should also instruct students in both character training and positive moral development. This is not just a job for the parents of children but for all adults in society as well, and since teachers spend almost as much time with children as their parents it is foolish to think that children will not look at the teacher as a role model whether or not the teacher intends for them to. I also agree with the Essentialist point of view that the curriculum should include such subjects as reading, writing, history, mathematics, sciences, foreign languages, computer skills, geography, social studies, and government. I feel that students who have a strong background in the basics of a variety of topics will have a better school experience and will be better prepared not only for higher education experiences, or experiences in the job market, but for life experiences in general. I also feel, like the Social Reconstructivists, that students need a curriculum that addresses the topics of cultural pluralism, human relations, social problems, and global issues as well. Students need to be aware of what goes on in the world, of their role in it, their responsibility to it, and of the ways that they can bring about changes in a positive way.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Economic Freedom

Part I. Introduction It has become apparent in recent years that the issue of vast globalization, economic development and its impact on various aspects of state wellbeing is the one that needs to be looked at very carefully. Moreover, direct investments into the country’s development and as a result improved quality of life are an additional incentive to increase the economic freedom level.Throughout the centuries scholars and economists have argued on whether economic freedom based on private property and free markets is the only beneficial and effective form of economy formation or centralized system of governing is better. Myriad researches have been brought to public, however, our group believes economic freedom is currently in increasing phase of its development, and thus should be thoroughly examined and reviewed basing on country background and scores obtained.This, in our view, will help to accelerate the wellbeing of Kazakhstan and possibly attract additional cash in flows from external market players. The paper will examine the issue of economic freedom and indices it defines in more details, will cover all the aspects included in consideration of the latter concept and will try to assess the relationship between economic freedom and potential investments rise. Brief definition of basic concepts In order to be in line with the topic and understand it deeply, below we present some underlying definitions of basic concepts that will be used throughout the paper.The classic definition of economic freedom and its index is outlined below: â€Å"Individuals have economic freedom when property they acquire without the use of force, fraud, or theft is protected from physical invasions by others and they are free to use, exchange, or give their property as long as their actions do not violate the identical rights of others† James Gwartney and Robert Lawson Economic Freedom of the World: 1996 Annual Report As obtained from www. economicfreedom. org , â€Å"economic freedom is the key to greater opportunity and an improved quality of life.It’s the freedom to choose how to produce, sell, and use your own resources, while respecting others’ rights to do the same. While a simple concept, economic freedom is an engine that drives prosperity in the world and is the difference between why some societies thrive while others do not. † Considering economic freedom is the issue of highest importance as it deals with each and every aspect of our life. Having greater economic freedom, the society ensures higher income levels, decreased poverty, less unemployment percentages and overall healthier state position in terms of economical, financial and political development.Economic freedom index (EFI) is defined as â€Å"a ranking of countries based on the number and intensity of government regulations on wealth-creating activity. Metrics that an economic freedom index evaluates include international trade restrictions, g overnment spending relative to GDP, occupational licensing requirements, private property rights, minimum wage laws and other government-controlled factors that affect people's ability to earn a living and keep what they earn. † (Extracted from www. investopedia. com).For all over the years, The Heritage Foundation in partnership with The Wall Street Journal has tracked the trends in economic freedom around the world and assigned indices to each country. It is a valuable source to gather information from, and the current paper is mostly based on the latter findings. The key factors influencing the level of economic freedom are the personal choice, voluntary exchange coordinated by markets, freedom to enter and compete in markets and protection of individual property from aggression of other including the government intervention.This implies that in economically free society government protects the individuals and their property, maintain stable monetary environment, refrain fr om creating barriers to trade and fairly allocate benefits; however, in case a government substitutes taxes, government expenditures, and regulations for personal choice, voluntary exchange, and market coordination, it may reduce economic freedom and thus diminish quality of life of the whole state.Five broad areas are considered when summarizing and stating the index for a country: * Size of the government: meaning sound taxing (low marginal tax rates) and wise spendings from the side of the government. * Legal Structure and Security of Property Rights: this indicates the consistence of a state’s legal framework with property protection and application of the laws in various spheres of business conducting and everyday life. * Access to sound money: the essence of this concept is whether a government is able not to abuse its monopolistic power. To get high ratings here, a country’s inflation must be low and stable, and the government must permit people to own currencie s of other nations† (Lawson, Robert A. , Economic Freedom, Library of Economics and Liberty) * Freedom to Trade Internationally: the core idea here is the presence of any barriers to free trade (quotas, restrictions or tariffs). * Regulation of Credit, Labor and Business: such concepts as minimum wages for workers, price controls, business licensing ; potential barriers to entry the business might be reviewed at this stage.Having examined the surface of the issue to be researched, we formulated the research question we are going to obtain the answer to at the end of the paper. Research question: Do countries that exhibit greater degrees of economic freedom perform better than those that do not and will the latter help Kazakhstan to attract more potential investments? Part II. Economic Freedom: Kazakhstani case In 2012 Kazakhstan scored 63. 6 in terms of economic freedom level, and thus ensuring Kazakhstani economy to be number 65th in the world list.As per the Heritage Foundat ion Report as of 2012, current country score is 1. 5 points higher in comparison with last year index. This amount represents slight improvements in property rights freedom, freedom from corruption and public spendings. Figure 1. 1 represents the history of indices obtained by the state in the last 5 years. Country| Year| Overall Freedom| Business Freedom| Financial Freedom| Kazakhstan| 2008| 61. 10| 56. 80| 60| Kazakhstan| 2009| 60. 10| 57. 90| 60| Kazakhstan| 2010| 61| 73. 50| 50| Kazakhstan| 2011| 62. 10| 74. 30| 50| Figure 1. 1 Figure 1. shows the overall trends of economic freedom indices throughout the time. It is clearly seen than in 2009 Kazakhstan scored the lowest, and the backup for this might be the substantial rise of global economic crisis. At that time the state encountered myriad barriers to healthy economic, financial and political environments, as it should have sustained positive financial balances all over the country, diminished bankruptcy potential, saved money of its citizens and remained attractive for the external investments. From that time on Kazakhstan tend to increase its economic reedom index and the line of indicating the latter steadily goes up throughout the years 2010-2012, and the last Heritage Foundation Report proves the fact that the country continues its positive trend of advancing economic freedom and ensuring constant development. As presented in the graph on Figure 1. 2, the state has become one of the first to turn back to the expansion and recovery from the global crisis. This is ensured by the enhanced regulation efficiency (at least endeavors towards that) and constant policy reforms in various areas of country wellbeing.Figure 1. 2 The country also scores higher results if compared to the world and regional averages. As according to The Heritage Foundation, Kazakhstan ranks 11th out of 41 countries in Asia-Pacific region, and it is recorded one of the 20 largest score improvements in the 2012 Index considerations. Figure 1. 3 summarizes the above stated information and graphically represents Kazakhstani standpoint in comparison with global and regional averages indices. Figure 1. 3The government of Kazakhstan being aware of the increased significance of economic freedom stability makes efforts in order to continue its positive index rising over time trend and adapts vast amount of laws, amendments and promotes individual’s freedom protection. â€Å"The link between economic freedom and prosperity is undeniable: the countries that score highly in terms of economic freedom also offer their people the best quality of life† (Azis Isa, Central Asian Free Market Institute Policy Analyst).Many empirical studies using the Economic Freedom Index reveal that a country’s economic freedom is highly correlated with its level of capital investment and the rate of economic growth (Gwartney and Lawson ; Holcombe, 2006). Non-monetary measures such as social welfare and peaceful and healt hy state environment also directly correlate with EFI. Scully (2002) has found that economic freedom is correlated with more equal distributions of income across countries. Rise of GDP per capita levels, promotion of decreased poverty percentages in a given country are also affected by the economic freedom situation of the country.Below is the session of graphs analyzing the correlation of economic freedom levels with various aspects of a state development. Countries with more economic freedom have substantially higher per-capita incomes ans thus more stable economic wellbeing of the society. Figure 1. 4. As seen from the graphical representation, those states that fall into â€Å"most free† group tend to have more vast growth rates and as a result higher level of economic growth throughout the country.The difference between the first and the last groups is rather big, and that proves the above stated assumption. Figure 1. 6 represents the correlation between economic growth and income per capita among the poorest strata of the society. As per the graph, we can suppose there is a direct positive relationship between the variables. Figure 1. 6 Kazakhstan has mostly faced economic freedom challenges throughout its history. Being a young state, it had no solid experience to rely upon rather than remaining habits and regimes obtained during Soviet Union times of ruling.Kazakhstani people do not have much influence over the government and its regulations and laws and majority of them encounter many difficulties in business sphere entry levels, further conducting and maintaining of the latter as well as improving their own individual micro economy. However, there are some positive trends in formation of economic freedom in Kazakhstan, and year to year steady development as shown in the Heritage Foundation Report proves that same fact.As according to the Heritage Foundation Report, â€Å"excessive dependence on raw commodity exports makes the economy particul arly vulnerable to global price changes. Rising commodity prices and improved domestic conditions encouraged substantial economic growth in 2010 and 2011†. The organization in partnership with the World Bank states Kazakhstan has an ambitious economic development program, which is planned to be outperformed in the nearest years, and outlines some problematic zones government of the country should pay intent attention to.The further section of the paper discusses the inefficient potential risk spheres the state should work on in order to relieve the situation in the future and continue its positive trend in developing economic freedom. Economic Freedom in Kazakhstan: Challenging restrictions Once the Annual 2012 Report is over and the country obtained its rating results, we recommend the government to consider the following currently inefficient spheres of the state wellbeing.Kazakhstan still faces many challenges on the way of improving its economic freedom level. * Rule of La w As stated in the Heritage Foundation Report, legal framework is currently very inefficient and actually does not cover some spheres of the freedom the way it should. For instance, intellectual property rights are still in a very shaky position and there is no clearly stated and stable position on that sophisticated issue from the side of the government.Although in the beginning of the current 2012 year there were some endeavors made in order to improve intellectual property rights in the country (banning some Internet resources sites, increased fines and jurisdiction cases), this particular policy just raised a new set of problems and questions and was vastly criticized from the side of the business owners as well as general public, because the new Law on Intellectual Property Rights interfered with basic Constitutional rights of every citizen to express the opinion and thoughts.In addition, the court system lacks the capacity to prove its stability and honesty – this year there were many cases of court system failure: judges were taken with bribes, inefficient cases regulations and many more. Recent changes in anti-corruption law only deepened the definition and presence of the latter in the society as it implies indirect potential involvement from the side of the governmental bodies. * Limited governmentOverall tax burden that exist in the country amounts in 21. 5 % of total domestic income. Government spendings are equivalent to 23. 5 percent of total domestic output. The difference between the two variables kept the substantially large oil revenues, thus relieving the whole situation and leaving public state debt standing at less than 15% of GDP. (as per the Heritage Foundation Annual 2012 report). * Regulatory efficiency ; Open marketsBusiness freedom, labor freedom, monetary freedom inefficiencies cases could be considered in that particular section. They in overall have many problems, bureaucratic barriers and lack of regulation from the side o f the government. Business freedom in Kazakhstan, for instance, lack the easy entry possibilities for the individuals, as it is very costly and takes much more time than it is expected to, moreover, increased level of governmental taxes, quotas and tariffs are also barriers to free trade between people and states.However, there are some positive sides in that area – potential WTO entry, expansion of Customs Union are the positive measures Kazakhstan is undertaking in this regard. As for the labor freedom, there is a tendency to think only about employers, leaving the employees aside. Thus, it is very cheap for a company to hire new employee, and it costs nothing to fire him/her. Moreover, in many national companies and even governmental bodies working day are non-scheduled and overtimes are not paid at all.This is a large problem for the whole country. Child labor issue should also be considered attentively when pondering about economic freedom rise. Monetary freedom could be interfered by the government as it may tend to distort domestic prices and try to influence many industries in a row. Inflation rate is also increasing from year to year. This year it tends to be fluctuating thus leaving the individual suffer from potential commodity prices rise. Below is the summary of inflation rates statistics.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

E Coli essays

E Coli essays Canada's E. Coli Epidemic Claims Fifth Victim 1:44 p.m. ET (1744 GMT) May 26, 2000 WALKERTON, Ontario (Reuters) - A fifth person died on Thursday in what may be Canada's biggest E. coli epidemic, as police and health officials were set to decide whether to launch a criminal investigation into the outbreak. Dr. Murray McQuigge, the area's chief medical officer, said the outbreak in the mainly agricultural community of Walkerton, Ontario, could have been prevented, and accused the local Public Utilities Commission (PUC) of ignoring the results of its own tests on Thursday, May 18, which he said established the town's water was unsafe. He said 10 people, including four children, remained in a critical condition, struck down by bacteria in the town's water system. An infant and three adults died from E. coli complications on Wednesday. At least 500 people have been infected in Walkerton, a town of 5,000 people about two hours drive northwest of Toronto. Dr. James Cairns, deputy chief cor oner for the province of Ontario, said his department wants an inquest into the deaths. ''We are concerned about public safety,'' he said. "We want to know how the contamination occurred, how it was managed and how people died.'' It is believed the water may have been contaminated by manure washed into the system by recent heavy rains. "There may well be more people who will die. I think we could have prevented all these deaths,'' McQuigge told a news conference, adding that new cases could emerge as late as Monday as the bacteria can have an incubation period of up to 10 days before symptoms appear. McQuigge said he would meet with health and provincial police officials on Friday to try to decide where blame for deaths is to be laid. "There is probably going to be a criminal investigation,'' he said. Walkerton residents were outraged as news spread that it is possible that the tragedy could have been prevented. A local radio chat show host ranted: "What do...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Health Systems Administration Essay Example

Health Systems Administration Essay Example Health Systems Administration Paper Health Systems Administration Paper Health care organizations operate to offer quality services at minimal costs. Excessive costs would work to increase the financial losses that such organizations face. Establishing effective strategies and reassessing the current approach would suffice in ensuring such costs are contained. New subsystems can be implemented to ensure sustainability of the current health care delivery market. Leadership is considered a very complex phenomenon that entails diversified roles. Leaders are expected to be in a capacity to influence and persuade for the benefit of an organization or a firm that a leader is working for. They create conducive environment where change can be incorporated and they can act as catalyst in the change process. Leaders can influence those under them to embrace change and this would translate to people accepting such a change. They are influential in the society. Leaders also perform the ‘representative’ role in organizations or whichever areas they are in. they represent the group fraternity where they lead and can be used to communicate the group’s interests, concerns or complain. Group’s members entrust their leaders to represent them to the larger societies (Ferrand P. 2006). In order to achieve their responsibilities or functions leaders ought to have in themselves and are in a position to inspire confidence. Strong self image works to positively affect one’s communication skills a very crucial aspect in leadership. To be able to persuade and influence the group members leaders must have a vision for the future and they must have solid belief in the organizational goals. Without these goals it would be hard for them to influence people. Internalizing such goals would work to motivate the leaders in their duties. Leaders ought to have the ability to coordinate activities in the group respectively and they should not coerce people to do things. Leaders can adopt different leadership styles depending on their personal interests or interests of the majority. They could opt for autocratic, bureaucratic participative, laissez-faire or paternalistic leadership (Silcox N. 2006). An autocratic leader offers close supervision to those under him or her. This kind of leadership does not allow for employees point of view as the leader gives the direction to be followed in a clear or precise conditions. Such kind of leadership offers little if any motivation for the employees. Employees feel alienated under such leadership as they are not included in running process of the group or organization. This kind of leadership sounds very exploitative as all decisions are one way. Bureaucratic leadership entails following to the letter the procedures, rules, and policies that have been set. It ensures minimal employee freedom as it works to ensure that accepted rules are followed. Institutions rules and policies are given priority in this arrangement (Silcox N, 2006). Participative leadership values group ideology and group contribution is highly appreciated and emphasized. Employees retention and motivation is greatly achieved as they are involved in the decision making of the greatly achieved as they are involved in the decision making of the organization. Employees feel that they are part and parcel of the organization since they are consulted on the organizations goals and objectives. The Laissez-faire leadership entails autonomous leadership where individuals are given the chance to lead themselves and only consult the leaders when need arises. There is little supervision and individuals are perceived to be self motivated and hence can perform duties on their own. However this kind of leadership leads to disorganization and chaos in the organization due to lack of effective leadership. Quality of output produced may be negatively affected. Â  Paternalistic leadership entails viewing the employees as inadequate and hence cannot be entrusted to make decisions. They become independent on the leader who acts like a dictator. To react to emergencies the employees have to want on their leaders who may be far causing delayed decision making. Their motivation is also negatively affected (Silcox N, 2006).

Monday, November 4, 2019

Marketing Mix and Consumer Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Marketing Mix and Consumer Behavior - Essay Example Today the entire world is considered as markets by the marketers who are involved in global trade. Participating in the global trade has become a growing trend of today’s business scenario since global trade comes with the opportunities of competitive advantage and access to a wider market that provides the marketers, ample scope to grow and develop. Thus in this context, when a marketer wishes to grow and prosper then it’s necessary for him/her to consider the entire world as their consumer. This is true for products as well as services. The report at hand focuses on the marketing mix of a brand and the means through which the brand convinces and satisfies its customers. One such brand with a global presence is BiCE. BiCE is a group of restaurants with Italian origin that was started during 1926. Today the group has its presence in the places like North America, South America, Asia, Middle East, Europe and Africa (BiCE, 2013). The marketing mixes at each of these place s are different. Since it’s not possible to discuss BiCE’s marketing mix in the context of all the places, therefore the present report will be focusing on BiCE Abu Dhabi, UAE. However before discussing the marketing mix of the restaurant it is necessary to discuss the market condition of the place where the restaurant is operating presently. Marketing Mix Product- BiCE offers a complete Italian familiarity to its customers. Italian rock music is played by a group of musician in the lounge area so bring out the essence of Italy. The adjacent places of the restaurant remain well-decorated by terracotta idols and Etruscan bronze structures. The wide array of delicacies consist of a broad gamut of cuisines starting from appetizers like gamberi, zucchine e carciof, Fritto di calamari, Carpaccio like Carpaccio di aragosta con composta di mango piccanto e salsina al caviale, soup like Zuppa di orzo e gamberi, Risotto like ai funghi Porcini, salad like Insalata Cesare con cro stini all’aglio, pasta like Penne all’arrabbiata, Main Course like Filetto di tonno rosso, in crosta di sesamo con caponata Siciliana, and Side orders like Sauteed spinach- Sauteed mushrooms - Steamed vegetables, Grilled vegetables - Mash potato - Grilled asparagus - Grilled asparagus and Mixed salads. Along with offering superb Italian cuisines the restaurant also comes with accommodation facilities. But the lodging service is only accessible during the peak seasons of the year when maximum number of tourists visit the country for spending their holidays and shopping (Jumeirah, n.d.). BiCE mainly focuses on rendering a diverse array of food menus to meet the tastes and food demands of people pertaining to various nations pertaining to China, Thailand, Arabic, and other European countries like Germany and France. Similarly the restaurant also tends to meet the varying eating needs of other expatriate population coming from United Kingdom and United States to United Ara b Emirates. The cuisines are served in packages that come with separate sauces, salads and other non alcoholic beverage drinks and also of alcoholic drinks like wine and others. Moreover the restaurant also focuses on encouraging the people to enjoy their socializing activities through helping them savor on the food and drink products in an eat-out zone with adequate seats attached for gossiping. In addition the availability of a Wi-Fi facility further works toward meeting the requirements of the expatriate

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Critical Response Paper 1 Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Critical Response 1 - Research Paper Example A Third Cinema, in this case, is described as an ongoing phenomenon that the filmmakers still apply in themes like politics and aesthetics. The Battle of Algiers is a film about the real events that led Algerian war of independence. The film narrates the story of the National Liberation Front (FLN), a movement that posed a danger to French occupation in Algeria (Mellen 16). The French troops defeated FLN during revolutionary movements. However, the movement strengthened and united other liberation movements throughout Algeria, which made them defeat French troop in 1962. The Battle of Algiers is a representation of Fanon’s arguments about violence and veil as an accepted means of anti-colonial struggle. Pontecorvo, producer of Black Skin, White Mask, is specifically concerned with how the Algerians achieved their independence and dignity through violent struggle. The Battle of Algiers is a justification of Fanon’s theory that the war and violence, during the anti-coloni al struggle, help people to gain their independence and dignity (Stam & Macmillan Films 11). It portrays French settlers as brutal and ignorant. The French colonial institution portrayed itself as a body that cannot be negotiated with through non-violent movements like the National Liberation Front. ... Therefore, the use of force and violence in this case should be perceived as mechanical but not brutal. Additionally, the use of violence does not entail any scorn as in the case of Colonel Mathieu, who lit cigarette after successfully launching a bomb attack that killed several members of FLN. In the Battle of Algiers, official representatives and settlers of French colonial power are not concerned about the well-being of Algerians. They mistreat and abuse men, women, and children. This is reflected during a private party organized by French police officer, his colleagues, and their wives. The French officer, at that moment, was organizing a large bomb attack on civilians in the Arab quarter of Algiers, the Kasbah (Stam & Macmillan Films 26). Light classical music played in the background during the party contributing to a relaxing atmosphere. The wealthy, lightness, and beauty of French lifestyle displayed in the movie leaves the audience to question their dark side of politics of its colonial organization. The party scene then smoothly transforms to the bombing scene, representing settlers’ brutal encounters with the colonial politics. This implies that the French colonial institution perceived the killing of civilians as a habitual and normal activity. This scene also creates a non-hermetic structure, where it gives the audience the opportunity to deconstruct the party scene as a positive self-representation of French colonizers as â€Å"uncivilized group†. This is because the way in which they plan bomb attacks against Algerians is perceived as an â€Å"uncivilized† behavior (Mellen 27). Similarly, the manner in which Frantz Fanon develops a non-hermetic structure that does not present a self-enclosed universe in Black Skin, White Mask, can